
This tag is associated with 7 posts

I Am Blessed!

Look at my life and you’d wonder how in the world I could ever feel blessed. It is true, you might have to look at my life through faith googles to do so. But isn’t that the way all Christians should look at life every day?


In a world where terrorist bombings, stabbings, shootings happen almost weekly, we need hope. In a world where we don’t know whether or not we’ll keep our job through the end of the month, we need hope. In a world that is fallen and death invades our lives, we need hope. This bulletin article may be of some comfort to you if you’re in need of more hope than you have today.

Are We Terrible People?

My mouth fell open the day I heard a student in a Christian campus ministry pray, “Dear father God, we are terrible people.” I thought that person was incorrect and then had to go to the Bible to prove my point.

The Myth of a Giftless Christmas

No matter how much pity we want to party with, there’s no such thing as a Christmas without gifts. Seriously, I thought we were having a giftless Christmas one time, actually more than one time, but I learned a lesson that no Christmas is really without gifts.

Faith of a Baseball Fan

Faith is a funny thing. We’re called to have it as a Christian, but we sometimes exhibit more by the way we root for certain sports teams. This is especially true with Chicago Cubs fans.

The God of All Comfort

The loss of a child is heartwrenching. I would not want to try to seek comfort from such a tragedy in anything human. Humans fails us, but God is the perfect comforter.

A Movie Quote to Live By? – Flashdance

If you were a teen boy growing up in the early 80s, the last thing you may have associated the movie Flashdance with was a biblical concept, but check this bulletin article out. You will be enlightened and encouraged.

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