Bulletin Articles

Too Little Time – Free Bulletin Article

This free church bulletin article was written by Brian Humek from Irving, TX. You are free to use this in church bulletins, church emails and on church websites. No credit needs to be given. Simply clicking one of the books on our suggested reading list will help more free content to be placed on this site. Donate your own bulletin article here.

Bulletin Digest alternativeBible Passage: 2 Peter 3:8

I like the beginning of that verse. The older I get, the more I enjoy time moving slow. Sometimes I wish time could stop. Time is a valuable asset in our lives. Rarely do we ever say, “Boy, I just have too much time on my hands.” Often, our lament is exactly the opposite. We rush because we have too little time. I don’t believe rushing is God’s plan for our lives. Rushing seldom makes things better and it causes us to get stressed out. It can make us angry when situations do not meet our deadline. The word “dead” is appropriate. The stress alone can kill us by raising our blood pressure and giving us a stroke.

As a society, we need to just chill out and relax. If that means signing your kid up to play one less sport in the spring, then so be it. If that means working less overtime and doing without eating out so much and buying so many gifts at Christmas, then take up your cross and suffer. If slowing down in your case means turning the television or computer off and spending time with your kids, spouse or friends . . . well, let’s work on that one. But seriously, our kids, spouses and friends should mean more to us than the latest episode of our favorite television show or our latest Google search. Our society has been brain washed. We have been told if we’re not busy every night of the week then our life is less worthy than our neighbor who is always busy. Don’t believe that lie!

I am only writing this today because I have lately seen the benefit of taking my time and not allowing the clock to dictate my actions. I have really been blessed, most of all because my anger has subsided and I’ve just gone with the flow. It’s not always fun because I miss out on some things I’d rather not. However, less stress and anger is always a good thing.

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