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Bible Passage: 1 Peter 5:6-7
Anxiety is defined as: a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune. I sometimes let this emotion inside my mind when I shouldn’t. Do you? Our Bible passage today says to humble ourselves before God so he can lift us up. It then states that we should cast all of our anxieties upon him. I think doing so is a very humbling experience.
Have you ever noticed that some of what we are told to do in the Bible is not always easy? I think if we make humility a priority, we will be better able to submit to God and live life according to His plan. Believe it or not, all that God wants for us, is for our benefit. Even if his methods for accomplishing good in our lives seem difficult, He does what He does and says what He says only because He loves us!
Let us all be a bit more humble today and when any feeling of anxiety or worry comes our way, we’ll throw it at God. Even if we all do that at the same time, God will catch them all.
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