Brian Humek

Brian Humek has written 141 posts for B. Thomas Free Bulletin Articles

Christian Poetry: The Spacious Firmament on High

Christian Poetry

Looking for Christian poetry to fill an empty space in your church bulletin, your church website, church email, or to use as a sermon illustration? Maybe The Spacious Firmament on High by Joseph Addison can fill your editorial needs.

Christian Poetry: There is a Green Hill Far Away

Christian Poetry

Looking for Christian poetry to fill an empty space in your church bulletin, your church website, church email, or to use as a sermon illustration? Maybe this poem by Cecil Frances Alexander might fill your needs.

Christian Poetry: O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright

Christian Poetry

Ambrose of Milan is a 4th Century Christian figure, a Catholic saint and Bishop of Milan, Italy. He wrote many Christian poems and hymns and one of his best is beloved is O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright.

Christian Poetry: Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky

Christian Poetry

Ambrose of Milan is a 4th Century Christian figure, a Catholic saint and Bishop of Milan, Italy. He wrote many Christian poems and hymns and one of his most beloved is Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky.

Genealogy – Does it Matter?

Reading through the first four books of the New Testament is difficult at times. My wife and I are embarking on this journey again this month. I encourage you to do the same. In doing so, one of the more difficult readings is the first chapter of Matthew. When I was in preaching school someone asked a professor if the genealogy of Jesus could be skipped since it wasn’t that important. You can imagine his answer…

Christianity is Offensive!

Christianity, to some, has come to be thought of as a religion of comfort. Christianity makes us feel good and should. The assurance of God’s love should overwhelm us with joy! However, Christianity is offensive. Becoming a Christian is making a change in one’s life. Being creatures of habit, change is naturally offensive. “How dare you tell me I need to change my lifestyle!” is an often heard lament.

Are We a Disconnected People?

I often ride an exercise bike. While I do so, I spend time talking to God, reading the Bible, or I drift back to the Wild West by reading a western from Louis L’Amour. Well, today I had a very simple thought cross my mind while I rode my bike to nowhere. I figured out that if I don’t eat right, all the exercise in the world is useless as I strive to lose weight.

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