A few hours after I heard news of Steve Jobs’ death, I listened to a song called “Castles Made of Sand,” by Jimi Hendrix. I combined the news and the song and came up with the devotional share here.
Christians lack faith sometimes. In our society, we have things far easier than when Christianity originated nearly 2000 years ago. Because of the apparent ease in our lives, we find it more difficult to persevere through certain situations. How many of us have made it through very tough conditions or problems?
Life is made up of stories, some small, some big, others true and a few that aren’t so true. It all depends on the storyteller’s point of view. Christina Crawford told a horrendous story about her movie star mother Joan. It resulted in the movie, Mommy Dearest.
Work is hard sometimes, one may even say it is unbearable. We have a savior that can identify with us in so many ways. He was hungry. He was thirsty. He was angry. He was tempted. He had a pretty demanding job at times. His occupation of being “Savior of the World” led to his healing of many.
Paul wrote to the Corinthian church that they should give thanks (2 Cor. 9:15). While I took my son to a breakfast with Santa this morning, we did this. We gave thanks for the food. I heard a lady at the other end of the table encourage her son to do the same. She ended up giving the thanks for her little boy’s food…
Reading through the first four books of the New Testament is difficult at times. My wife and I are embarking on this journey again this month. I encourage you to do the same. In doing so, one of the more difficult readings is the first chapter of Matthew. When I was in preaching school someone asked a professor if the genealogy of Jesus could be skipped since it wasn’t that important. You can imagine his answer…
Christianity, to some, has come to be thought of as a religion of comfort. Christianity makes us feel good and should. The assurance of God’s love should overwhelm us with joy! However, Christianity is offensive. Becoming a Christian is making a change in one’s life. Being creatures of habit, change is naturally offensive. “How dare you tell me I need to change my lifestyle!” is an often heard lament.