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Bible Passage: Hebrews 9:28
I am proud to announce that I now sit at a clean desk. I find it amazing that my desk was clean just a few weeks ago. It WAS clean. It WAS spotless. But then I began my normal routine and the clutter began to pile high.
My desk reminds me of the Christian life. When we realize how dirty and cluttered our lives are, we seek God and bury ourselves underneath the baptismal waters with Christ. With that baptism, we receive forgiveness of sins (the clutter). What happens after baptism? We return to our normal routine and the clutter begins to pile high. We sometimes stumble into that clutter called sin, and then there are those times we jump into it and enjoy it for a while. However, we always need to be rid of the clutter. That’s where the sacrifice of Jesus comes in.
As a Christian, we have Jesus who still works on our behalf. He didn’t just die for one sin on the cross. Jesus died for the sins of the world and each sin any of us will ever commit if we ask to be forgiven. “…Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people…” – Heb. 9:28
The normal routine of our lives brings us clutter and Jesus died so it could be taken away. Life doesn’t get much better than that!
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