
Duck Dynasty Boycott – Show Support for Phil Robertson

Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson Quotes cause an uproar and multiple boycottsSo Phil Robertson quotes the Bible and outrage spreads across mass media and the professional gay community (GLADD). I’m also sure there were plenty of homosexuals who were upset without their professional spokespeople at GLADD telling them to be upset.

But for what reason was GLADD upset with the Phil Robertson quotes in his upcoming GQ interview? Were they mad about the Phil Robertson quotes from the Bible? Were they mad about something else Phil Robertson said to the GQ interviewer?

We live just south of a society (Canada) where quoting the Bible passage Phil Robertson quoted in his GQ interview can have you fined by the government and possibly have you put in jail. But we live in America, we are land of the free, free to speak our mind about whatever we want. If man wants to say, “I like cuddling with other guys at night,” or if a man says I don’t think homosexuality is right, we use to have the right to say that without fear of losing our livelihood.

No longer do we have the right to talk and express the feelings we have on certain subjects. If we want to bash Christianity, we can state that view as most TV networks do each and every day, but digress from that point of view and freedom of speech is forbidden.

The Talking Point

As the outrage spread over the day, I witnessed different reports from media outlets ranging from Entertainment Weekly to the New York Daily News. Sometimes the writers said they were outraged by Phil Robertson quoting from 1 Corinthians about how idolaters, slanderers drunkards and homosexuals not inheriting the Kingdom of God. Other times, news reporters turned opinion writers were mad because he said homosexuality and sin was illogical. But finally, by about 5:00 p.m. or so all anti-Duck Dynasty, anti-Phil Robertson, anti-Christians, anti-Conservatives coalesced around one talking point… Phil Robertson compared homosexuality to bestiality.

That was the talk on Twitter and news reports for the rest of the evening of December 18th and that is the point probably chosen by the head honchos at A&E Networks to focus on as hateful and which earned Phil Robertson an indefinite suspension, probably around West Monroe, LA they call that firing.

Homosexuality, Polygamy, Bestiality???

I agree with most of what Phil said about homosexuality simply because he quoted the Bible. Talking about bestiality coming next after something like homosexuality has gained wide spread acceptance in America may have been going a little too far, but seriously, thirty, twenty or even ten years ago, who thought a U.S. judge would rule that polygamy was okay. First gay marriage, now it’s okay to have multiple wives or husbands and what is next. Phil just may be ahead of his time, a prophet one might say.

You’ll also like —> [Top Ten Phil Robertson Quotes to Ponder Over Pizza]


This post is about the boycott that will definitely be spurred on by GLADD and other activists in the gay community. Do you seriously think GLADD and others will be satisfied by an indefinite suspension of Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty? They won’t stop at that. They will most likely start a Duck Dynasty Boycott campaign to get all advertisers to stop buying time on A&E. That is the way activists for minority groups work, well at least liberal minded minority activists.

Christians, conservatives and duck hunters have been timid for too long when it comes to the tactics often used by the “left.” Boycotts work, but again, they may not be the most Christlike thing to do. So be the judge for yourself whether or not a boycott is the way Jesus would do things. Here are some resources on how boycotts have worked in the past. (affiliate link).

(updated 10:45 a.m.)

I’ve been in prayer about this entire situation after a great radio/TV host posted a tweet about this concept of boycotts on a news post on his website. Is it really what the conservatives and Christians in this world should do? I won’t call for people not to boycott A&E or Hearst Corp, the co-owner of A&E and of Disney/ABC, the other co-owner of A&E, that is your right. I’m not sure what the answer is other than getting more conservatives and constitution loving people into mass media. Maybe we should channel our efforts into giving conservatives and constitutionalists scholarships if they want to enter journalism. Maybe others have better answers. I simply think it is sad to sink to the depths of people we vehemently disagree with and begin boycotting everything, because if we take this to the extreme, we will eventually boycott everything, every company, every network.

Another question Duck Dynasty fans should ask, “What would Phil do?” or “What would Willie, Jep and Jase do?” It will be interesting to see what the family says whenever they make a statement.

A&E Suspended Phil-Who Owns A&E?

The Hearst Corporation owns A&E Networks. Here are some brands of the Hearst Corporation. I no longer have a detailed list here, but you can find companies at the link above.

Here are newspapers and magazines owned by Hearst.

Do What You Will

Tell the truth always. Stand up for what you believe in. Do what Jesus would do.
Don’t be a wimp. Don’t live in fear. Fight the best way you know. If that means a boycott, make it a boycott. But make sure when you do that, when you boycott advertisers, make sure the little guy isn’t getting hurt. I removed my specific list of TV stations and newspapers because I had listed many in areas where Duck Dynasty was most popular. Those were in smaller cities where the small businessman could be hurt by boycotts. Let’s fight, but do it intelligently.

For right now, I’d agree, let’s stop watching AETV. As for me, I do not think the Robertsons will continue on the network, the only thing they’d have to do to get fired would be to echo Phil’s beliefs. Then what will A&E do, suspend them all?

I say a great match would be for Duck Dynasty to move to The Blaze.

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