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Bible Passage: Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” -Hebrews 11:1
A Christian Ethics professor moved to Louisville, KY. After settling into his house, a neighbor came over to introduce himself. The professor was working in his garage when the new neighbor came by. After their conversation, the new neighbor said, “I see you’re a man of faith.” Surprised, the professor, said, “Why yes, how did you know?” The new neighbor pointed in the direction of a Chicago Cubs pennant on the wall of the garage, “You’re a Cubs fan, that’s how I knew.”
A side-note to non-baseball fans: The Chicago Cubs are always full of promise but usually end up breaking the hearts of their fans year after year after year after year…. must I go on? Being in a similar situation, living life as a Cubs fan, I too am a man of faith. Every April when baseball season begins, I am sure of what I hope for, that the Cubs will go to the playoffs or better yet, the World Series. In addition, this is something that is often unseen.
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No matter how many times I’ve struggled through a lousy baseball season full of disappointment, I remain a fan and think they will do better the next year. In the life of a Christian, many times we live by faith, or at least we should. When we consider the struggles we go through, we press on because things will be better, if not here, then in Heaven. The light at the end of a tunnel can’t always be seen, but we know by faith that it is there. Jesus Christ died on the cross so we can all possess that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you God for your son Jesus.
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