This free church bulletin article was written by Brian Humek from Irving, TX. You are free to use this in church bulletins, church emails and on church websites. No credit needs to be given. Simply clicking the book link at the end of this free bulletin article will help more content to be placed on this site. Donate your own bulletin article here.
Bible Passage: James 1:17
Today’s Bible verse begins, “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” When my son Ezekiel was born, I received a card with that Bible verse on it. I thought it was quite appropriate. He definitely was a gift from God. What I find amazing is that sometimes little things, things I find less important, can also be classified as gifts from God.
Today I helped a man get some food from a local ministry. He was quite thankful for the food he received. However, he was given one particular item that gave him a lot of joy. He was given a can opener. Before today, he did not own a can opener. You know, all the free food in the world, especially canned food, is meaningless without a can opener. I don’t know about you, but I take my cans of ravioli, corn, and peas for granted. And I never think twice about how I will open them. Okay, my wife usually opens them, but that is beside the point.
The idea I want to express today is that our gifts from God can be anything, even a can opener. Since I’m talking about gifts, what did God bless you with today? A loving spouse? A good job? Great parents? Yet another material posession? A nice meal? A peaceful day? Whatever your gift from God was today, don’t forget to tell him “thanks!”
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