This free church bulletin article was written by Brian Humek from Irving, TX. You are free to use this in church bulletins, church emails and on church websites. No credit needs to be given. Simply clicking one of the books on our suggested reading list will help more free content to be placed on this site. Donate your own bulletin article here.
Bible Passage: Mark 8:22-26 and 10:46-52
We went to feed the homeless in downtown Ft. Worth last night. This has become a normal occurrence for my family and those friends of Zach’s House, our new church plant, who choose to come with us. This was an unusual evening because I wasn’t able to help serve. I was prevented from serving by my own stupidity; I locked our keys in the car. I promptly went to the security guards to see if they could help. They couldn’t and suggested I get a locksmith. I then asked a couple people in the parking lot, no one could help. I could have used a coat hanger to break in, but our car was shut up too tight. I then realized we’d have to use a locksmith and I asked a few folks if they could loan us some money so we could get our keys. Nothing happened on that front either. The last couple I asked said we should just go inside and help feed and see what Jesus would do for us. Unfortunately you know if you read my last devotional, that I don’t always think that way first.
I saw Perry, a regular volunteer at the feedings, and asked if he could help us. He said he knew someone that might be able to help. I then went ahead and got ready to serve. I was going to serve Alice and the guests at her table. Perry called me over a few minutes later and introduced me to Larry who told me he had an AAA membership and before he could finish telling me that they unlock doors for members with no charge, it dawned on me that my wife has an AAA membership we got last year. Perry and Larry, that dynamic duo, opened my eyes to what should have been right there in front of me all the time, an opportunity to get my keys at no charge. They didn’t actually do anything physical for me, but were used by God to help me see. And to show you how the Lord works, Alice had said she’d give us the money for a locksmith. All these things happened only because I went inside like the couple in the parking lot had suggested, and waited to see what Jesus would do for me. I missed serving because I had to wait for the AAA guy to arrive, and while I watied, I got to witness another side to the Agape meal, ask me about it sometime.
This entire incident reminds me of a movie I recently saw which included one of my all time favorite quotes, “I’m not trying to prove you wrong, I just want to help you see.” This is the attitude I have towards anyone I meet that is unchurched and antagonistic toward God or Christians. I don’t try to prove them wrong, I just try to help them see they have a need for something bigger than the busyness of their everyday lives. That something bigger is Jesus. Please pray for Mary Ann and me as we strive to do what God has put right in front of our eyes. He has put us smack dab in the middle of 5,000,000 people and 89% of them on any given Sunday do not attend church! You talk about work that must be done, the Lord has opened our eyes and we see it each and every day!
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