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Bible Passage: Psalm 23
I just want to let you know there is no one or nothing like our marvelous Father in Heaven. He is always faithful. He’ll never forsake us. The bible speaks to us numerous times about this. He’s even with us, I should say, He’s especially with us when we go through dark valleys.
Why did I think of this today? Well…let me just say our mailman isn’t quite so reliable. You might know the phrase, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” This phrase is inscribed on the James Farley Post Office on Eighth Avenue and 32nd Street in New York City. This was never the motto for the postal service. It was merely a phrase the architect of the building admired and thought appropriate, maybe it was wishful thinking. Unlike our mailman who was today prevented from making his appointed rounds by a dog on the loose, God is always faithful.
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