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Bible Passage: 2 Peter 1:3-9
At a Noah’s Ark themed Vacation Bible School my son attended a couple years ago, I heard a very interesting conversation. A parent came in the door and saw her teenage daughter dressed in a costume. The first words out of her mouth were, “What are you?” Her daughter answered, “A towns person.” The mother retorted, “I thought you were going to be a pig.” I believe that was a big case of mistaken identity.
Has there ever been a case of mistaken identity in your life? If you are a Christian, someone should be able to watch an hour of your life and say, “Hey, you’re a Christian.” There should be no doubt about it. I don’t know if anyone would be able to say that about me. I guess it all depends on what hour of my life they decide to watch. If someone decided to watch me while I sleep, they may look around my room and see some books on Christianity, a couple of Bibles, and some ties which have a Christian message on them. But, what about when I’m awake? That may be a different story.
There is a key to being the everyday Christian God wants us to be. I think a lot of it is found in 2 Peter 1:3-9. But before we can do the things mentioned by Peter, we have to be willing to lose control . . . of our lives that is. We have to be willing to make Jesus our Lord. That involves submitting our lives to him, all parts of our lives. We need to be an “out of control” people, which means letting someone else have control. That someone else is Jesus. I admit I’m not as out of control as I should be. Can the same be said of you?
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