This free church bulletin article was written by Brian Humek from Irving, TX. You are free to use this in church bulletins, church emails and on church websites. No credit needs to be given. Simply clicking the book link at the end of this free bulletin article will help more content to be placed on this site. Donate your own church bulletin article here.
Bible Passage: 2 Peter 1:5-9
I regularly keep a journal. Recently, I looked over it in a search to see where I’ve gone wrong physically. I was specifically looking at my weight. Let us look at the statistics:
In June 2001 my weight ranged from 169-173.
In December 2002 I weighed 180.
In August 2003 I weighed 182.
In March 2004 I weighed 186.
In June 2004 I weighed 192.
In 2005 I ranged from 186-195.
In August 2011 I weighed 190
As of a day or two ago, I weighed 205.
Woah! This is a trend that must stop. It is a lot easier to stop a negative trend when we keep track of it. One thing we should notice is that not every negative trend is physical in nature. There are spiritual trends also. Speaking of those trends, let us look at our prayer and devotional lives. If you don’t keep track of them, how will you know when you’ve lost your way? When will you know that corrective spiritual behavior is needed? I want to help create better spiritual lives among the readers of my devotionals and bulletin articles. I am extremely qualified to warn you of the dangers of getting spiritually sidetracked. Let me tell you now, it’s not a family friendly tourist attraction.
I can lecture you all day about the importance of staying spiritually active but I think you know that already. My plea is that you keep a record of your spiritual activity. Keep a prayer journal. Keep track of your quite times and Bible reading. These items are only for your eyes and your personal knowledge. No looking in your little book and saying to your friend, co-worker, or spouse,“Naaa, na na naaaa na, I’ve read my Bible every day this month!” Keeping track of your spiritual life is a private matter between you and God. I only suggest this spiritual record keeping for the sake of helping you know when you need to buckle down and make more time for God.
As always, I welcome your comments. I take prayer requests too. If you who want to be more spiritually active but need a little help, I especially want to pray for you. I will get down on my knees and lift up before God, your desire to be closer to Him.
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