Bulletin Articles

A Story About You – Free church bulletin article

This free church bulletin article was written by Brian Humek from Irving, TX. You are free to use this in church bulletins, church emails and on church websites. No credit needs to be given. Simply clicking the book link at the end of this free bulletin article will help more content to be placed on this site. Donate your own free bulletin articles here.

free church bulletin articleBible Passage: Genesis 9:20-27

Life is made up of stories, some small, some big, others true and a few that aren’t so true. It all depends on the storyteller’s point of view. Christina Crawford told a horrendous story about her movie star mother Joan. It resulted in the movie, Mommy Dearest. In Genesis, a story is told by another child, his name was Ham. Noah and his family had finally exited the ark, heard God’s promise and seen the rainbow. Noah planted a vineyard and after harvesting its grapes, drank a bit too much wine. His son Ham saw his father naked and drunk. Ham immediately ran to tell his brothers. Well, he paid for it. When Noah found out what he had done; he cursed Ham’s child Canaan. I can just imagine the stories Ham told about his father from that time on.

If you have a child, a spouse, or a sibling that likes to write; what kind of story would they publish about you if they had the opportunity? The life we live is being examined by so many. We have God who sees all we do. We have our friends, our co-workers and most importantly, here on earth, we have our immediate family. I’m not so sure my son and wife would write a very uplifting story about me, at least after some hard times we experienced today. I have some advice for myself, but others can heed it if they want: Live life as if your closest family members were writing a book about you, already have it sold to a major publisher, and movie studios are waiting for the finished product. I hope it doesn’t take that kind of thinking to make our lives fall in line with what God wants. But, if it works…

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