There are different types of people in every collective group. These groups may consist of school students, church members, or employees. Everyone within these groups won’t think alike. How do those differences affect the objectives for each group, learning, worshiping God, or completing the mission of the employer? Such differences can cause trouble.
A question arose the other day, “How can I be doing wrong if things are going good for me?” This question has been asked for thousands of years and I’ve come to realize that life is simply hard to understand at times. Have you or anyone you know ever asked this question?
Time flies doesn’t it? It has been almost 20 years since I began reading THE UNDERGROUND EMPIRE by James Mills. This book looks with great detail, into the world of illegal drug trafficking. As a youth, I had a fascination with big level drug dealers and how their organizations were structured. Don’t ask me why. The basic point of this tidbit is to celebrate my achieving a milestone. I have finally made it to page 800.
Superman was a mighty strong man. He could leap buildings in a single bound. He was powerful enough to stop a train. Superman was faster than a speeding bullet. Even with all that strength, if he came into contact with kryptonite, he became very weak. When he was falling down, barely able to walk, did Superman look strong? No! He was unable to do anything. None of us would say, “Wow! He’s weak and that makes him so strong!”
The city of Venice is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Have you ever wondered how happy the people in Venice must be? They can never be depressed or unhappy can they? After all, they live in Venice.
Gossip is a killer. I know I partake in it in some way because, like most people, I don’t know where the fine line between fact and gossip exists. Over the years, people have come up to me and said, “You know about so and so, don’t you?” More often than not, my reply has been, “No, I don’t know.”