Bulletin Articles

Under the Fig Tree – a devotional about finding peace

This free church bulletin article was written by Brian Humek from Irving, TX. You are free to use this in church bulletins, church emails and on church websites. No credit needs to be given. Simply clicking one of the books on our suggested reading list will help more free content to be placed on this site. Donate your own bulletin article here.

Please check out this Bible reading first: John 1:47-51

This may not look like the most peaceful place in the world for us, but for Nathaniel, maybe it was.

This may not look like the most peaceful place in the world for us, but for Nathaniel, maybe it was.

In the first chapter of John, Jesus tells Nathaniel that he had seen him sitting underneath a fig tree. Is there something significant about the fig tree? Some scholars have said that sitting under a fig tree was a place of peace, a place of prayer and meditation.

Peace is important. We must have it in our lives. We may or may not have peace, but chances are, we all want it. Think of a place you have peace. Where is your fig tree? I asked that question today in a Bible discussion. Here are some of the answers I received: the shower, the basement, the prairie behind our house when I was a kid, underneath a tree reading a book, the library, the chapel at a local seminary, and the mountains. Those are places of peace for some people.

I ended our Bible discussion with a prayer that each person there would be blessed by God with peace that didn’t have to be searched for, but a peace that could be attained whenever and wherever, a peace that only comes from following Jesus. I pray that for you too. But while we are speaking about places of peace, tell me about some of yours.

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